Two days in Florence dedicated to the EXPO 2015. Tecnoconference was there!

On March 28th, the engines of the upcoming EXPO 2015 started with a big, loud roar in the stunning Salone De’ Cinquecento (the Hall of the five hundred), in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

The freshly-elected President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella along with other leading personalities of the Italian political, economic and cultural scene alternated on the stage of the Salonesupporting the International Exposition, scheduled to kick off in Milan in less than a month.

The Hall was setup with a breathtaking scenic design, blending Tecnoconference’s refined yet subtle technical solution into the Salone’s magnificence.

“Tecnoconference -CRN member in Italy- has a long tradition of working in unusual places, like the Cavour Aicraft Carrier, the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, or the Ara Pacis in Rome, just to cite a few: all unconventional location in which even the transport of the technical equipment requires a careful planning” – says Lorenzo Grotti, TC Group’s Operations Manager-.  “Setting up in the Salone is no exception: the two 250kVA electrical generators were setup outside, in the Piazza della Signoria, and that all the equipment was brought in the Palazzo on a mobile platform… It was thrilling!”

“Three ledwalls (7x5m, 5x3m, 3x2m), were embedded in the magnificent wooden frame which was custom built for the event – Lorenzo goes on saying- and they displayed the live video feed of the event, which was also broadcast to RAI’s TV channels (the Italian national TV channels).”

“Moreover, Tecnoconference managed the digital transmission of the a/v signal thanks to a fiber connection between the Salone de’500, the Salone de’200 e the Cortile della Dogana.”

“One of our most important advantage is the ability to tackle delicate events –like this one- , with the peace of mind given by the excellence of our technical team (20 technician for this event only) and  the over 30 years of experience in the market.”

“As always, everything ran smoothly, and it could not go in any other way!” –Lorenzo concludes-.


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Supporting a SECCA Meeting

Our Czech member was assigned to support a SECCA Meeting, the 80th Anniversary of the Commemoration of Auschwitz-Birken, assigned to them by the World Jewish