Hybrid Events

Combining in-person events together with remote solutions

The potential of Hybrid Events

Combining in-person events together with remote solutions creates a whole new world and way of incorporating simultaneous interpretation in on-site international meetings and events! Having on top also the possibility of including external speakers or participants using the on-line connection options, gives to the meeting organisers numerous tools and immense opportunities towards their audience! 

This new model is an innovation because it gives the option of having a bigger number of participants remotely besides of the people attending physically.

CRN provides HUBs that can be located  at  the  meeting venue or at a different location from the event. In this case, the interpreters receive through a live feed video and audio from the event, making it possible for them to simultaneously interpret. Then it is up to the CRN members and the latest technology in use to send back to the delegates in the room and the on-line participants all the languages interpreted!

Advantages of Hybrid Events

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to discuss your unique conference requirements and needs