In the beggining of last April our Greek member, P.C. Podimatas SA was the sole technical supplier of the Interparliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign Security and the Common Security and Defence Policy that took place in one of the city’s main hotels.
The CFSP/CSDP Conference was organized as the country holds the EU Presidency for the first semester of 2014 and delegations from all EU country-members joined the meeting. P.C. Podimatas provided the technical equipment to all meeting rooms, one main plenary hall and three break-outs for the worskhops:
- 23 double Audipack booths in total
- 450 Bosch Integrus receivers
- Full feed of audio and video to the secretariat and press room
and of course all necessary audiovisual equipment in total and staging requirements that were needed to complete such a production.
For more information on the services and our members worldwide contact us at [email protected]!