The Red Cross 2013 Conference In Sydney!

Our partner in Australia, Congress Rental Australia, was the technical supplier of the Sydney Red Cross 2013 Conference in regards to simultaneous interpretation and microphone equipment.

Congress Rental Australia team supplied the event with all necessary equipment for the main plenary hall and the four break-out rooms with a total of 19 booths, more than 2.000 Bosch Integrus receivers and headsets and around 700 software controlled mics.

A carefully planned and organized event from all technical aspects, proved for one more time that Congress Rental Members are the sole specialists in the market when it comes to simultaneous interpretations and microphone requirements for all high-profile meetings and events!

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UN’s 4th International Conference!

Last spring, our Danish partner, Teletech Conference Communications, was the technical supplier at the 4th UN International Conference that took place at the Small Island

The 74th FIFA Congress in Bangkok!

During the month of May, our member in Thailand undertook the entire conference technical production, combined with simultaneous interpretation of the 74th FIFA Congress that