The Prime Minister of Spain welcomed in Slovenia!

Prime Minister of Spain

  On Friday, 17 February, Prime Minister of Slovenia Dr Robert Golob hosted an official visit of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, Mr Pedro Sánchez. Prime Minister Sánchez was the first foreign leader to pay an official visit to Slovenia at the invitation of Prime Minister Golob. The focus of the talks, in which the prime ministers took part, was on the most pressing issues on the agenda of European leaders: the situation in Ukraine, strengthening the competitiveness of the European economy, the challenges in the energy sector, a unified European response to migration, and the EU’s enlargement policy, with a focus on the Western Balkans.

   Our local member, Robotrade, and the team of Mr. Omovsek undertook the technical production of the interpretation and how it was provided not just to the leaders during their deliberations, but also to everyone involved! The press conference took place in a very small room, and for that reason the interpretation booths were installed in another room and interpreters from their provided their services! When aligning with technology and the latest high-standard equipment of Bosch Conference technology, the new Dicentis interpreters’ desk with video embedded gave the possibility to the interpreters to monitor the discussions and Q&A that followed through the monitors on their devices!

   This is why you should always reach out to a CRN Member when you need conference and interpretation services to your meetings or/and events! They are the specialists, fully capable to offer that solution that would fit your production best! Should you need to know more, drop us an email at and we will liaise you accordingly!

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Supporting a SECCA Meeting

Our Czech member was assigned to support a SECCA Meeting, the 80th Anniversary of the Commemoration of Auschwitz-Birken, assigned to them by the World Jewish