Supporting the 10th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention!

More than 600 representatives of Ministries from about 80 countries responsible for water, environment, foreign affairs and development cooperation – from both Parties and non-Parties to the Water Convention – together with more representatives from various bodies attended the 10th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention that took place this October in Ljubljana of Slovenia.

Our member in the business region of the country, Robotrade, was called upon to technically support both the conference part of the meeting, as well as the interpretation required for the representatives to conduct their discussions. The delegations in the plenary room were facilitated with around 300 Bosch Dicentis DE discussion devices in dual mode functionality. Seven different languages were serviced through the simultaneous interpretation system that was set up in ISO standard booths, while the MVI solutions were used during the operation of the meeting. In addition to the plenary room, there were more than 10 side events that were serviced with remote interpretation through the Interprefy app.

Should you wish to know more how our members can support your meetings and events, email us at!

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Supporting a SECCA Meeting

Our Czech member was assigned to support a SECCA Meeting, the 80th Anniversary of the Commemoration of Auschwitz-Birken, assigned to them by the World Jewish