Nuclear Security Summit 2014

Nuclear Security Summit 2014

The Hague in the Netherlands provided the setting on March 24th and 25th for the third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). During the two-day conference, 53 world leaders – including Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Xi Jinping and David Cameron – were seeking to improve cooperation in the prevention of nuclear terrorism around the globe. As well as the presidents and prime ministers taking part in the discussions, the conference in the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague was attended by around 5,000 delegates and 3,000 journalists.

To facilitate communication between the 53 world leaders, our Dutch partner Jacot Audiovisueel, to whom responsibility for the prestigious project had been entrusted, installed a state-of-the-art solution in the main conference hall: the new DCN multimedia Conference System from Bosch. Despite their sophisticated technology, DCN multimedia Multimedia Devices are very easy and intuitive to operate. “The NSS summit was one of the most significant and demanding projects for us,” comments Michel Calvelage, Managing Director of Jacot Audiovisueel, ”so we invested our entire capacities and know-how in it. At the end of the day, it was worth it because we received a lot praise – even from the prestigious conference members.”

In all, the Jacot Audiovisueel team invested extensive time and effort in to the project. Naturally, the finest equipment could be used for this unique project. Redundancy for the entire system – just in case a technical problem should arise – was also imperative. “The success of this project was mainly the result of a synergy of all departments working together with unstoppable dedication and flexibility”, Mr Calvelage stated.

The arguments for using the DCN multimedia Conference System from Bosch were its unique features and ease of use. “With its wide range of features – such as paperless conferencing and audio, video and meeting content on a user-friendly touchscreen, the DCN multimedia System offers a new kind of conferencing experience”, says Kris Van den Bossche, Project Manager at Bosch Security System.” Everything worked flawlessly: there wasn’t a single malfunction. Furthermore, at this summit of world leaders the DCN multimedia Conference System was able to fully demonstrate its advantages and possibilities. “Through the use of DCN multimedia Multimedia Devices with their integrated touchscreens, microphones and loudspeakers as well as a camera tracking system which placed each speaker perfectly on the screens, we were able to dispense with monitors altogether,” says Calvelage. “We fed the images directly to the touchscreens. It worked perfectly.”

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